WebGL experiments cont.

WebGL never cease to amaze me. The combination of great performance, powerful features (even if they're not safe!) and the immediate mode of development makes it the perfect tool for joyful tinkering with code, mathematical formulas and visual effects.
Here are some of the experiments I did recently.
You'll need Firefox 4/5 or Chrome and a GPU that supports WebGL to run the examples.
There is more here. I keep adding new stuff almost every week so be sure to check that page from time to time. All the demos are made using a little framework of mine called J3D (didn't I mention it already?) It is available on github along with the source code of all the demos.
Instead of writing a long article about WebGL pros, cons or whatever, let me just say that if you ever had any interest in realtime graphics, make yourself a favor and try WebGL right now!