Posted on 2008-07-01

Flash on free software: FlashDevelop and Flex SDK

I have been recently asked a couple of times about the source code that I publish and how to compile it. I decided to write a short note on that.

For my experiments, I use a combination of FlashDevelop and the free Flex SDK from Adobe Open Source. It is much better suited to work with AS3 then Flash IDE, and what's most cool – it is 100% free!

To start developing Flash on free software, you simply need to download and install FlashDevelop and the Flex SDK. Installing the SDK means merely downloading a ZIP and copying its contents into a folder on your disk. Please also note that FlashDevelop is currently available for PC only.

Once you have both, open FlashDevelop, go to the 'Tools > Program Settings' menu, choose the 'AS3Context' group and look for the 'Flex SDK Location' property. Set it to the folder where you just copied/installed the SDK. Now create a new project with the 'Actionscript 3 Default Project' template and you are ready to go. Really, it is so simple!

For a more in depth coverage of the topic you can refer to this thread on the FlashDevelop forum. Also, John Lindquist from PV3D.org posted a very good tutorial on FlashDevelop and Papervision3D, so be sure to read that too.

Since in FlashDevelop you do not have a FLA file to work with, there is no library either. That means that external assets are not imported, and they must be embedded in a different way. For that, the Flex style [Embed] tag is used.

I prepared a little test project in FlashDevelop that illustrates how to embed different types of objects (images, sounds, movieclips and fonts) with this technique. Download it, take a look at the source code and I am sure you will grasp the concept in no time. If you installed FlashDevelop with the Flex SDK properly, you should be able to compile this project and see the results. For a more in depth information about embedding assets in Flex refer to the official documentation.

Overall, for 3D in Flash this setup is much better then the traditional Flash IDE. It is more flexible, you do not need to keep an empty FLA file used only to compile SWFs, and since there is no timeline and no frames, you can only write code in classes – and this enforces better OOP practices!

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Everyday3D is a blog by Bartek Drozdz

I started Everyday3d in 2007 with a focus web development. Over the years, I wrote about technology, graphics programming, Virtual Reality and 360 photography. In 2016, I co-founded Kuula - a virtual tour software and I work on it ever since.

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