Super cool updates

Welcome back everyone! I haven't posted for a while, but the reason is simple: I've been busy.
I don't find enough time these days to write long articles like I used to. I have a lot of things to post about though, so my plan is to make my articles shorter :) For start, here's a quick update of what I have been doing since last July.
WebGL and J3D
I have been working a lot with WebGL. I created my own engine – J3D. I was very excited to see that it aroused some interest in the community, but I also found out that building a 3d engine is a huge task, especially if this is only a side project.
Currently, I push updates to J3D on a regular basis but I hope other developers will want to contribute as well. Besides more features, it needs some refactoring, optimization and documentation, all of which I can't do on my own in a reasonable amount of time. You're more than welcome to fork it on Github!
Last September, I had the privilege to speak at my first HTML5/JS conference – onGameStart. It took place in my hometown, Warsaw.
It was an exceptional conference for me. I had the occasion to meet a lot of great developers from the HTML/JS community and also show my 3d engine for the first time. Here's a video from my presentation. onGameStart will be back in 2012, so be sure to check it out – it's really worth it!
Wait, there's more!
In the last 4 years I lived in Stockholm and most of this time I have been freelancing. It has been a great time. I had the chance to work with many great companies, including North Kingdom, with which I did two projects that I'm really proud of – the Woodbot Pilots and Rome.
Things always change however and I felt like it was time to move on. So, last fall, I left Stockholm for sunny Los Angeles and I took a full time job at a digital production company called Tool.
Forever 3D? Probably not
This blog has always been focusing on realtime 3d graphics. I started with Papervision, moved over to Away3D, then to Unity and finally to WebGL. Along the way, I had the chance to learn a lot about 3d programming and the chance to teach myself some 3d modeling as well. All this was a great experience!
Lately, I've been involved in other areas of interactive design, like 2d, animation, sound and networking and there is a lot of interesting things going on there, especially on the web standards side of things. So you may expect some diversification in topics from now on!
It's good to be back.