Speaking in Amsterdam, London & Toronto

The conference season is upon us!
Following my last year short presentation at Flash On The Beach and at the Warsaw Flash Camp, this year I will continue my adventure with public speaking. In the next months I will be having my sessions at 3 highly interesting events.
1. FITC Amsterdam, February 22nd-23rd
FITC Amsterdam is only a few weeks away. I've been to FITC last year and I really enjoyed the conference (and the parties too). I am thrilled to be back this year as a speaker. If you want to catch my session it's on Monday (Feb 22nd) at 12:30. If you are interested in Unity and in 3D in general you should definitely attend! For more information, here's a detailed session description. I hope to see you there!
FITC it's of course much more than my presentation. There are 2 days packed with interesting sessions, so be sure to checkout the schedule to see what's interesting for you. There is also a party every evening ā a great opportunity to do some networking and to have a few beers and some other stuff (remember, we're in Amsterdam!). So grab your tickets before they're all gone!
2. London LFPUG Meeting, March 25th
If you can't attend FITC and you miss my session in Amsterdam, don't panic! You can catch me again next month in London. On March 25th I will speak at the next in the series of LFPUG meetings.
It will be a evening packed with realtime 3D, as I will be speaking together with Rob Bateman from the Away3D team. Here's some detailed info about the event. The event is free, all you need to do is register, so if you are in London don't miss it!
3. FITC Toronto, April 25th-27th
Finally in April I'll be making the move over the Atlantic all the way to Canada for FITC Toronto, where I will also be talking about Unity. There is no schedule yet, but it's should be coming soon. However, the tickets are already on sale. If you hurry you might even get a early bird price!
This is very exciting for me for several reasons. First, it's a major conference with 3 days of sessions, workshops and even a recruiting event. It's not to be missed not only if you live in Toronto, but for anyone in the region. And I've heard people come for FITC from all over Canada and US.
Second of all it's my first time I will attend a conference in North America. I looking forward to meet a lot of people whom so far I knew only from blogs and twitter. So if you are around don't hesitate to get in touch!
Finally, it will be my first visit to Toronto and I heard a lot of good stuff about the city. We also plan a short family vacation afterwards to visit Montreal and Quebec Miami and the Florida Keys.
I'm currently entirely focused on those upcoming events, preparing all the materials and the presentation. However, I hope for more opportunities in the future. If you happen to organize a Flash and/or Unity event and you are looking for speakers be sure to let me know!
I don't have any further plans at this moment, except that I will also attend OFFF in Paris in June (as guest, not as speaker).
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