 Bend Bend modifier. Bends an object along an axis.
 BitmapDisplacement BitmapDisplacement modifier. Displaces verttices based on RGB values of pixels.
 Bloat Bloat modifier. Bloats a mesh by forcing vertices out of specified sphere.
 Noise Noise modifier. Randomly displaces each vertex in all 3 axes (or less if constraintAxes() is used).
 Perlin Perlin modifier. Displaces vertices based on a perlin noise bitmap.
 Pivot Pivot modifier. Allows to move the pivot point of a 3D mesh.
 Skew Skew modifier. A demo of all functionalities of the modifier is here.
 Taper Taper modifier. The taper modifier displaces the vertices on two axes proportionally to their position on the third axis.
 Twist Twist modifier. Adapted from the Twist modifier for PV3D.
 UserDefined Modifier with user-defined behavior. Allows users to create modifiers on the fly without creating dedicated class.
 Wheel Wheel modifier. Use it with vehicle models for wheels.