Posted on 2008-07-01Flash on free software: FlashDevelop and Flex SDK
I have been recently asked a couple of times about the source code that I publish and how to compile it. I decided to write a short note on that.
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Posted on 2008-06-24Microphone controlled animation in Papervision3D
This time I have something less mind-twisting then the bend modifier and all that math. The idea was to create an animation of leaves flying around, propelled by wind controlled with the microphone. This little experiment was also a good occasion to work with some new Papervision3D features.
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Posted on 2008-06-16Bend modifier – part II
This time, I post an updated version of the Bend class for Papervision3D that works with every simple DisplayObject3D – that is, a DisplayObject3D that does not contain any child objects.
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Posted on 2008-06-11Bend modifier for Papervision3D
Bending objects is one of the classic features of any 3D package. I thought it would be nice to be able to bend stuff in Papervision3D too.
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Posted on 2008-06-04A banner built using FIVe3D
Ever since Mathieu Badimon released FIVe3d AS3, I was thinking that it would be great to build a 3D animated banner using this library.
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Posted on 2008-05-28Rotating a Sprite around any point
This time I want to share a simple solution to a relatively simple, but annoying problem.